We've Partnered With SilentSurf™ To Protect Your Privacy!

Protect your privacy with our secure and private internet connection. Let us protect your communications by encrypting your internet data, providing you with anonymous, unrestricted internet access.

Unblock websites
Enjoy restriction-free internet access across the globe.
Privacy Protected
Stay safe while browsing and keep your data safe!

Protect your family’s identity & browsing habits while accessing the internet!

Identity Protection
Protect your families personal information.

Choose The Right Level Of
Protection For You And Your Family

SilentSurf™ Individual VPN

£5.99 a month

SilentSurf Couple™ VPN

£8.99 / month

SilentSurf™ Family VPN

£11.99 / month

Enjoy our crafted rewards, freebies, special deals & perks with Fusionhost Rewards!


Use our VPN to surf the web in silence with no borders and no restrictions. SilentSurf™ masks your physical location [IP Address] and enables you to protect your personal data. Providing you and your family with the protection you need online.


Our cloud platform is designed with no single point of failure to ensure your website has the maximum possible uptime. With multiple clustered SANs and high end rack mount servers from HP, we have leveraged our extensive experience in the hosting industry to deliver a solid web hosting platform designed to scale and grow while maintaining industry leading uptimes.

Speak to one of our Friendly support agents today!

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Our cloud platform is built upon high performing HP BL460C Blade servers due to the benefits of redundancy, scalability & efficiency.

Simple, reliability. All of our cloud hosting hardware is located within multiple blade chassis, with at least 2N redundancy at all points.

We use datacenter grade SSD’s in our enterprise flash cached SSD arrays to ensure performance & rock solid reliability for our storage.

We have partnered with multiple 10Gbps network cariers to ensure our cloud platform has the best connectivity possible!